
bootzee.com is made up of a set of popular on-line tools that we've put together to form a workflow for building bootstrap templates and bootstrap based sites.

Free to use

Editing, building and testing is totally FREE. Just login with your Google account and begin, no forms to fill in, we only use your Google account for authentication.

If you enjoy using our platform, please consider supporting us by serving your own domain from bootzee.com, it only costs $30 a year per site.


bootzee.com is deployed on the Google Cloud Platform, this platform shares the same infrastructure that serves Google's Search, Adwords, Youtube, Google+ and Gmail products.

The app is built using Python on App Engine with the data objects stored in Cloud Datastore and the web assets stored in Cloud Storage.

Code Editor

To get the site layout correct we prefer to hand crank the Html code, for this, a good text editor is required. We've chosen the popular Ace Editor and we've complimented it with the Source Code Pro font, enhancing it's visual appeal.

Visual Editor

Once the layout is ready, the best way to add content is to use a Visual Editor, for this, we've chosen the well established TinyMCE. We've configured it in with "fullpage" mode, to allow complete pages to be edited.


We've incorporated the Less CSS pre-processor, for larger projects this is a great tool for creating styles in a more modular and maintainable way.  All you have to do is switch over to Less mode when creating a CSS file and the compilation is taken care of automatically when you save.


For images we have a facility to upload to Google's Cloud Storage, from there the images are delivered through Google's global CDN and the same image can be dynamically reduced to a web-suitable size.


We've added on demand minifying to CSS and Javascript files.  Once switched on your CSS and Javascript files will be either minified on next load or can be manually compiled if you want to check that it is all working correctly.

Ready to go

Everything is on-line, cloud hosted and ready to go.  There is no downloading and unzipping of templates.  There is no need to set up a development environment.  There is no need to have complicated deployment scripts.